My Smart goal was to read a whole chapter book series. I achieved this goal and read the whole Wingfeather Saga just before my time limit in July. To achieve this goal I read about a chapter a day and finished this exciting book.  I think that next year my goal will be to read 2 chapter book series.



What I liked about my speech: I liked how I projected my voice to the audience and made good eye-contact.

What I could improve on: I think I could improve on my phrasing of my sentences.

What I liked about someone elses: I liked how someone made their speech engaging and fun for the audience.

What advice could I give: I could give the advice; make better eye-contact!

Good job to everyone who did the public speaking; it takes a lot of courage to get up and speak about a topic in front of an audience. Also, thank you to Ms. Cleveland for missing her first period to watch my speech.


Peace Agreement

Hi! Today I will be talking ’bout Laban and Jacobs AGREEMENT! In class, we talked about how they agreed next to a pile of rocks. But what were they agreeing on?


My guess is that they agreed that Jacob could go back, and they wouldn’t fight or hurt each other.

Grey Stones - Gray rock pile with ...